Bike Waikato November 2022 Newsletter

In this newsletter from Bike Waikato:

  • Barriers to cycling survey for women
  • How can you help out?
  • Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy (HUGS)
  • Free cycle skills courses in Morrinsville and Te Aroha
  • Give it a go with Hamilton BMX Club
  • There’s a new blog in town

Our AGM in September resulted in five new people joining the Bike Waikato Committee. We would like to welcome Melissa, Kelli, Stephen, Benjamin and Chris on board to join Matt, Stu and Neil who have stayed on for another year. We’ve taken the last couple of months while councils have been quiet to induct our new committee members, review our plans for 2023 and generally get our house in order. We’re quite excited about what’s in store over the summer months. More to come on that in our pre-Christmas newsletter! In the meantime there is still lots going on, have a read below to keep yourself up to date.

Barriers to cycling survey for women

This is Me has partnered with Hamilton City Council to create a survey gathering information on barriers that women may experience in relation to cycling, and what they may need to be encouraged and enabled to participate. This follows the Ministry of Transport finding only 26% of women aged over 15 have cycled in the past year.

Share your experience by filling out the Barriers to Cycling Survey and be in to win one of five prizes. It will take only two minutes!

How can you help out?

Waikato District Council have begun reviewing the Ngaruawahia Town Centre Plan and want to gain a better understanding of the opportunities, aspirations, and challenges for the area.

We’ll be having our say and we think you should too! Their community survey specifically asks for input around issues including community characteristics, walking and cycling connectivity, climate change and more. We’d like to see safe connections to Te Awa Cycleway and for the town centre to become a welcoming environment for people on bikes of all ages and abilities.

Submissions close Friday 18 November, so don’t miss out on your chance to influence the future of Ngaruawahia.

Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy

Hamilton City Council are updating their plans for where, when and how Kirikiriroa grows to enable more homes and jobs. With climate change, an obligation to protect the Waikato River and new central government requirements to grow up as well as out, HUGS aims to achieve a vision where the city is the best place to live and work with connected, vibrant and prosperous communities.

The draft strategy proposes three outcomes to achieve the vision:

  • (1) Grow up and out from the central city
  • (2) Grow along transport corridors
  • (3) Support the development of quality greenfield neighbourhoods

If you’ve got thoughts on these proposed outcomes, then HCC wants you to have your say by Sunday 20 November. Bike Waikato will be doing a submission of our own focusing on the link between smart higher density housing and making sustainable transport choices such as walking, biking and busing more viable for people.

Free cycle skills courses in Morrinsville and Te Aroha

Matamata-Piako District Council are offering two free cycle skills course for adults across the district.

Morrinsville – Wednesday 30 November –  9am to 1pm

Te Aroha – Wednesday 14 December – 9am to 1pm

These courses are a great chance to go over some basics of bike maintenance and safety as well as rules for riding off or on road. You’ll also get the chance to practice riding both on and off road. For anyone not used to riding on roads this is a great first step as you’ll be riding in a group with experienced instructors practicing road etiquette, crossing roads and turning.

Bookings are essential, so please call 07 868 0200 to book your spot and get more course details.

Give it a go with Hamilton BMX Club

Hamilton BMX Club is holding a couple of open days for people of all ages and abilities to ‘give it a go’ over the next couple of weeks. There is a session on Saturday 19 November from 1pm to 4pm.

You can find the BMX track at Minogue Park on Moore Street, off Forest Lake Road. Along with your bike and a helmet, you’ll need to bring along a long-sleeved shirt, long trousers and closed shoes. Gloves and a drink bottle are recommended too!

For more information contact Sonja Rennie via mobile on 021 172 9578 or send an email to [email protected].

There’s a new blog in town

Did you catch the first blog from Kirikiriroa Metro about the idea of pedestrianising Claudelands Bridge, permanently?

Kirikiriroa Metro was born out of the desire to see robust conversations about the challenges, potential, and aspirations for the city. Contributors will be exploring key questions about city design and planning, arts and events, and building vibrant and diverse communities. 

This isn’t just for urban nerds (although it is definitely for urban nerds) – this is for anyone who wants to learn and explore the choices a city can make and how it affects people. The blog is intended to make big concepts accessible and challenge the status quo. Bike Waikato looks forward to being an active contributor to the blog.

You can subscribe to Kirikiriroa Metro here.

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